Menguruskan Badan_Peperangan Yang Pertama (Keep slim_First Battle)

November 27, 2008

Last week while chatting with my friend with a cup of coffe in my hand with some biscuit. Our conversation touch on current issues like economic and political situation happening around the world and how we hear about world politician coming together in Peru during the recent APEC meeting. Identifying some of the problems and coming up with some solutions on how to solve and bring about economic stability.

All of a sudden my friend’s son (he is about 5 years old) came up to me and touch my stomach and say “UNCLE ARE YOU PREGNANT”. All of a sudden we burst out into laughter looking at his innocent face and comment. After that it dawn on me words of adviced from my friends and collogue asking me to take some precaution on my diet.

For many months I have this desire to start some sort of exercise to which many of my friends have suggested to me to follow. Some say go to the gymn and some say play soccer, some say play badmintion and some say just go for a walk.  Considering all of these suggestion for many month, it created in me a struggle to which I called it my personal BATTLE (PEPERANGAN PRIBADI).  Very often we look to the external circumstances as our greatest struggle not knowing the important of personal victory. We cannot win the external battle when we ourself fail to recognise the enemy within.

In my case, one of the number one enemy within are what I called “NO  TIME”. This no time syndrome almost paralysed every person who fail to recognised the lie spew from within. Smart mind always look at what are the priority in life and putting in place that priority right. So I’ve decided to fight my first battle against this lie from within “NO TIME SYNDROME”. Yesterday was my first bout, 26th. November 2008 at 4:30 PM until 6:00 PM. After many years not having physical exercise my friend advice me not to run but just walk few round around the park which I did. At various point along the route in the park they put some stop point where you can do some press up exercise on the ground and at some point parallel bar for you to do some pulling up and some stretching.

Firstly let me tell you about my physical condition as of 26th. November 2008.

Hight: 5’4″

Wight: 74 kg.

With that hight having to carry 74 kg body weight is too strain especially for some part of the muscles and also the back spine. Often I can feel the numb at the back of my waist of which I believed having to carry extra load of fat. So my target for this comming month is to knock down some of the unnecessary fat that weigh me down. So please help me to fight this battle by cheering me up and put some word of encouragement in the comments column. To be continue….

Warning to Worship Team

Disember 5, 2008

New sound

Disember 5, 2008

New Sound

Saya cuba saja ba ni, maklum la baru test sana test sini kalau jadi bagus la tapi kalau tidak jadi pa boleh buat juga

Menguruskan Badan_P5 (Keep Slim_5th. Battle)

Disember 2, 2008

I arrived at TF Park at about 5:40pm straight away I went to the starting point 0Km and set my stop watch at 0 second just to see how long it took me to complete one round. As I walk at my normal speed without stopping I manage to clock 20 minute when I arrived at the 2km point.

Going for the the second round, I thought to myself it will be good to count how many step will it take to make one round. As I started counting at the zero point, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9…….and it goes on and on. I was wondering at some point whether I can make it to the finishing line. Never the less I was so determined that I can make it. At about five hundered  and seventy (++) I thought I heard someone calling my name and as I turn back and look behind there are five strangers talking to each other as they walk. I said Ooop! salah dengar and I continue to walk. After a while then I relaised that..oooh I forgot to count, I remember it was five hundered and seventy(++) step. I thought for a  while whether I need to go back to the place where I turn back to look at the five strangers but then I thought to myself..ada lagi masa ba lain kali… I give up the counting and continue to walk.

I stop at some point along the park at the place where we can do some body stretching and pumping. I feel so good when I can pull myself up twice this time. Itu pun macam mau putus-putus tu urat…heehehee (Need some translation?….asked ps jubilee…heehee).

Going back home at about 6:40pm..saya kira-kira mau timbang berat badan tapi takut juga mana la tau masih belum turun lagi..heheehee….next time la aaaa. This comming sunday I’ll try to weight myself again and if there is no progress….eeemmmm????

Menguruskan Badan_Peperangan Yang Ke-empat(Keep Slim_Fourth battle)

Disember 1, 2008

Aaalllaaammmaaaakkk….selepas empat hari berjogging, yesterday saya pergi timbang berat badan….masih lagi sama tu…74kg….macam mana la ni aaaaa….heehee  mau cari alasan sudah untuk tidak mau gi jogging.

Yesterday I force myself to go after taking a short nap in the afternoon (Sunday afternoon). Feel so great after I completed three round (6km). Kamu yang ada hati mau jogging mari la ikut…..

Actually I was so tempted to eat icream after the third round. Sitting at the grocery stall nearby the enterance of the park asking for mineral water to quench my thirst. As I scan through all the goodies displayed in the stall my eyes caught my attention to various flavour of ice-cream sold. I was pointing at the ice-cream but my mouth say “Saya mau mineral water”…heeheee the taukey senyum kambing lagi.

Saya rasa muram juga keluar dari kedai tu habis terpaksa bertahan melawan “COOOOBBAAAANNN”..haahaa.  Ok lah tak apa2…terpaksa lah bertahan…

Menguruskan Badan_Peperangan yang Ketiga(Keep slim_third battle)

November 29, 2008

Oooop! Oooop! Oooop! before I move on let me tell you the bad news…I’m so sorry to say that my enemy “NO TIME” take the crown today. Never the less my time taken away from me today didn’t go without a fight. My responsibility as one to the facilitator in the AP facilitator’s training didn’t leave me with much choice.

Leaving Centre Point at about 5:45 pm today make me wonder if I can’t make it to the jogging track this time will it cause me look for another excuses not to go tomorrow? Eeeemmmmm…..HELP!!!!

I told Ps Jubile yesterday during our CG heavy dinner at Rober Chong resident that I will go a few more round at the jogging track after we WALLAP the FATTY GRILL…ngok-ngok….(You know what I mean). Cooooobbaaaaannnn…..P Ramlee bilang. Aduh kok ama babi panggang aja udah tewas…..heeheee.

For those who follow my progress…keep cheering me up in the comment column.

Menguruskan Badan_Peperangan Yang Kedua (Keep slim_Second Battle)

November 28, 2008

The first person who nag me yesterday is Vicky’s. Just five minute before five o’clock (according to my watch) she came out of her room and she five o’clock! you are supposed to go jogging. Here come Ps Jubile and said..You forget about the  meeting tonight and just go and don’t break the can come late for the meeting and I’m sure someone will brief you. Ooop!!! actually I’m looking for a good reason and excuses why I should not go for my secound bout.

Peeping through the window hoping it will rain. But the sky seem to be smiling and cheering me up and as if the cloud is saying “JANGAN KAU CARI ALASAN AAAA”….heeehee…if you need translation for that one asked Ps Jubile.

I rushed out from the office and I quickly change to my jogging attire. And off I went to Bukit padang. At first it was drizzling but by then my determination was too great even the rain couldn’t stop me anymore. I manage to walk two round(4km lah)…Hep! Hep! hooorey!!…

Friends you are my cloud of witnesses looking and cheering me up as I fight this battle. I know I’m not alone in this fight. I promised that I’ll fight the good fight of slimming down. I’ve been greatly encouraged as I read comment from Ps jubile and Elizabeth.

Tapi lepas jogging boleh makan durian ka?…..heeheee